About Fiction-Ally


The space of social activism has begun to envelope students through social media, blogs and videos. Now more than ever, social issues are being discussed on more public platforms, and encourages the participation of all people - irrespective of age and background. As always, art and literature are at the forefront of raising awareness, creating spaces for shared experience, providing insight into the minds and lives of those affected by different forms of injustice and most importantly, breeding a strong sense of empathy and an awareness of our common humanity.

Fiction-Ally was founded in March, 2021. This social initiative seeks to empower students from different backgrounds to tell their stories and lived experiences in the form of short-fiction pieces. By encouraging representation and stories that depict different cultures, identities and practices, Fiction-Ally seeks to promote awareness and compassion towards different social issues.

Fiction-Ally exists in the space of responsible activism and education. Through the practice of writing fiction, we hope to provide a platform for students to learn about various ways of life, and represent their own with sensitivity and creativity.

Through Fiction-Ally, we have created a set of resources that have been designed to help students navigate the space of fiction writing, and sensitize them towards social issues through the lens of being an author. To view our curated resources, please click here.